Campaign Awards
- Governor’s Challenge: Office that has the highest increase over last year’s contributions; and highest increase in number of contributors.
- Leading the Way: Office that has the highest percentage of employees who pledged during the first week of the campaign.
- Spirit Award: Presented to a Campaign Ambassador who finds creative ways to promote, engage, and encourage employee giving. Entries are submitted and voted on by committee. Campaign Ambassadors, please share your successes and ideas, and State employees, please share ways your Campaign Ambassador inspired you, with
*Office refers to an executive branch agency or department; board; commission; or legislative body.
Please note that if more than one agency or department has the same percentage, one winner may be chosen at random draw. Submissions for the Spirit award may be used to promote Campaigns. If your preference is to not have your entry shared, please state such in your submission email.
2023 Campaign Award Winners:
- Governor’s Challenge: Office that has the highest increase over last year’s contributions; and highest increase in number of contributors.
- Contributors: Department of Financial Regulation, Cheryl Lancaster
- Contributions: Department of Financial Regulation, Cheryl Lancaster
- Leading the Way: Office that has the highest percentage of employees who pledged during the first week of the campaign.
- Joint Fiscal Office, Sorsha Anderson
- Spirit Award: Presented to a Campaign Ambassador who finds creative ways to promote, engage, and encourage employee giving. Entries are submitted and voted on by committee, so share your success and ideas with
- Department of Human Resources, Erik Volk
- Spirit Award Honorable Mentions
- Department of Financial Regulation, Cheryl Lancaster
- Department of Libraries, Lauren Kelley
- Department of Public Service, Tracy Collier
2022 Campaign Award Winners:
- Governor’s Challenge: Office that has the highest increase over last year’s contributions; and highest increase in number of contributors.
- Contributors: Attorney's General Office, Thea Schwartz
- Contributions: Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, Hope Smith
- Leading the Way: Office that has the highest percentage of employees who pledged during the first week of the campaign.
- Vermont Commission on Women, Hannah Lane
- Department of Libraries, Lauren Kelley, Josh Muse, and April Shaw
- Spirit Award: Presented to a Campaign Ambassador who finds creative ways to promote, engage, and encourage employee giving. Entries are submitted and voted on by committee, so share your success and ideas with
- Sarah Hadden, Agency of Natural Resources
- Spirit Award Honorable Mentions
- Thea Schwartz, Attorney General's Office
- Al Hermsen, Judiciary
- Lauren Kelley, Josh Muse, and April Shaw, Department of Libraries
- Catherine Russell and Kimberly Palermo, Department of Human Resources
- Jessica Ploesser, Department of Vermont Health Access
- Hope Smith, Department of Aging and Independent Living
- Ashley Roy, Agency of Human Services
- Roger Van Tassel, Department of Labor
- Candi LaFreniere, Office of the Secretary of State
2021 Campaign Award Winners:
- Governor’s Challenge: Office that has the highest increase over last year’s contributions; and highest increase in number of contributors.
- Contributors: Office of the Secretary of State, Candi LaFreniere
- Contributions: Department of Corrections, Mary Poulos
- Leading the Way: Office that has the highest percentage of employees who pledged during the first week of the campaign.
- Hannah Lane, Vermont Commission on Women
- Spirit Award: Presented to a Campaign Ambassador who finds creative ways to promote, engage, and encourage employee giving. Entries are submitted and voted on by committee, so share your success and ideas with
- Sarah Hadden, Agency of Natural Resources
- Anna Reinold, Department of Finance and Management
- Hope Smith, Department of Aging and Independent Living
- Jennifer Johnson, Department of Libraries
- Candace LaFreniere, Office of the Secretary of State
- Caring & Sharing: Most participation in sharing of personal testimonials – ask your employees “Why do you give?” and submit them to
- Mary Poulos, Department of Corrections
Green Mountain United Way presented VtSHARES with the 2020 Employee Campaign Award

2020 Campaign Award Winners:
- Governor’s Challenge: Office that has the highest increase over last year’s contributions; and highest increase in number of contributors.
- Contributors: John McKelvie, Human Rights Commission
- Contributions: Roger Van Tassel, Department of Labor
- Leading the Way: Office that has the highest percentage of employees pledge during the first week of the campaign.
- Tim Noonan, Labor Relations Board
- Jennifer Johnson, Department of Libraries
- Spirit Award: Presented to a Campaign Ambassador who finds creative ways to promote, engage, and encourage employee giving. Entries are submitted and voted on by committee, so share your success and ideas with
- Jennifer Johnson, Department of Libraries
- Hope Smith, Department of Aging and Independent Living
- Jessica Ploesser, Department of Vermont Health Access
- Laurie Hurlburt, Agency of Human Services
- Caring & Sharing: Most participation in sharing of personal testimonials – ask your employees “Why do you give?” and submit them to
- Gretchen King, Agency of Transportation
*Office refers to an executive branch agency or department; board; commission; or legislative body.
2019 Campaign Award Winners:
- Governor’s Challenge: Office that has the highest increase over last year’s contributions; and highest increase in number of contributors.
- 2019 Winner for contributions: Department of Public Service; Stacey Drinkwine – Campaign Ambassador
- 2019 Winner for contributors: State’s Attorneys and Sheriffs; Ashley Perry – Campaign Ambassador
- Leading the Way: Office that has the highest percentage of employees pledge during the first week of the campaign.
- 2019 Winner: Department of Libraries; Jennifer Johnson – Campaign Ambassador
- Spirit Award: Presented to a Campaign Ambassador who finds creative ways to promote, engage, and encourage employee giving. Entries are submitted and voted on by committee, so share your success and ideas with
- 2019 Winners: Department of Corrections; Emily Rotax – Campaign Ambassador and Department of Libraries; Jennifer Johnson – Campaign Ambassador
- Caring & Sharing: Most participation in sharing of personal testimonials – ask your employees “Why do you give?” and submit them to
- 2019 Winners: Department of Human Resources: Catherine Russell – Campaign Ambassador and Kathryn Guare, Employee – honorable mention; and Department of Public Service: Stacey Drinkwine – Campaign Ambassador Susan Paruch, Employee – honorable mention
*Office refers to an executive branch agency or department; board; commission; or legislative body.
2016-2018 Campaign Awards
- Governor’s Challenge Bowl: Any agency or department that exceeds last year’s contribution, and has an increase in the number of contributors* will be eligible and entered into a drawing. Winner will hold the Governor’s Challenge Bowl for a year.
- “Honorable Mention” certificates will be issued to any agency or department that exceeds last year’s contribution or has an increase in the number of contributors*.
*An “increase in the number of contributors” also includes any entity that has 100% employee participation.
Campaign Year 2018 Award Winners:
Exceeded Last Year's Contributors
- Agency of Transportation
- Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living
- Department of Vemont Health Access
- Secretary of State's Office
Exceeded Last Year's Contributions
- Agency of Education
- Agency of Human Services - Central Office
- Department of Human Resouces
- Department of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs
- Labor Relations Board
- Public Utility Commission
- Vermont Commission on Women
Exceeded Last Year's Contributions and Had An Increase In Contributors
- Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
- Agency of Digital Services
- Department for Children & Families
- Department of Libraries
- Enchanced 911 Board
Governor's Challenge Bowl Winner For 2018
- Agency of Digital Services
Campaign Year 2017 Award Winners:
Exceeded Last Year's Contributors
Department of Forest, Parks & Recreation
Department of Motor Vehicles
Office of the Vermont Attorney General
Exceeded Last Year's Contributions
- Department of Buildings and General Services
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Health
- Department of Public Safety
- Department of Vermont Health Access
- Joint Fiscal Office
- Labor Relations Board
- Office of Legislative Council & Clerk of the House and Senate
- Public Service Board
Exceeded Last Year's Contributions and Had An Increase In Contributors
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- Agency of Human Services
- Agency of Natural Resources
- Office of the Vermont State Auditor
- Department for Children & Families
- Agency of Education
- Department of Finance & Management
- Department of Financial Regulation
- Department of Human Resources
- Department of Libraries
- Department of Liquor Control
- Department of Taxes
- Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
- Office of the Governor
- Vermont Commission on Women
- Green Mountain Care Board
- Department of Public Service
- Office of the Vermont Secretary of State
- Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
- Agency of Agriculture
- Vermont Veteran's Home
Governor's Challenge Bowl Winner For 2017
- The Military Department
Campaign Year 2016 Award Winners
Exceeded Last Year's Contributors
- Department of Forest, Parks & Recreation
- Agency of Human Services
Exceeded Last Year's Contributions
- Agency of Digital Services
- Agency of Education
- Department of Human Resources
- Department of Public Safety
- Department of Public Service
- Vermont Judiciary
- State of Vermont Military Department
- Secretary of State
Exceeded Last Year's Contributions and Had An Increase In Contributors
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- Agency of Transportation (VTrans)
- Buildings and General Services
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Financial Regulation
- Department of Labor
- Department of Mental Health
- Department of Motor Vehicles
- Department of Vermont Health Access
- Vermont Legislative Joint Fiscal Office
- Vermont Lottery
- Office of Legislative Council & Clerk of the House
- Office of the Attorney General
Bowl Winner For 2016
- Department of Vermont Health Access